SEP10 Freedom Project : World of Animation

What is this Freedom Project?

The Freedom Project for SEP10 is all about choosing a topic related to coding and using it to create a website. For example, my topic would be about construction and you would have to explain how code can be used for construction. The purpose of this blog is to explore how code can be applied in real life scenarios as well as showing off your skills to make a website about it.

In this freedom project, my topic is about animtion and I have to create an invention and a website to please my audience. Let me tell you, it was a journey alright.


What was my biggest takeaway?

My biggest takeaway is that this project is alot of fun and challenging at the same time. I realized that if I focus on enjoying what I put on my website, I make a better website overtime.

What was challenging?

I think the most part of what is challenging was trying out new stuff putting into my website. It wasn't easy as mostly trying out new stuff leads to bugs. For example, I want an A-frame embed into the Modal but the VR button only shows up.