SEP11 Freedom Project : VS Sopfrie

What is VS Sopfrie?

VS Sopfrie is a Friday Night Funkin mod where you are basically rapping a ghost. It couldn't get more simpler than that. This was possible using Psych Engine created by ShadowMario.

Link about the project

What is my biggest takeaway?

My biggest takeaway is mostly time management. I was spending way to much time to the point where it took a month to create a single music. Mueller reminded me that I don't need all of the functions to make the music good. If it works it works.

What was challenging?

I say the most challenging aspect was the music itself. I have to learn how to make music using Ableton and it basically took me a month to make a single music. Although it isn't perfect, I can definitely do better.

What are my next steps?

My next steps is to make the full week itself alongside adding the vocal tracks for sopfrie and adding the sprite animations.