Animation is defined as a way of making a movie using varying images. Back in the time people would use something as flipbooks to create such animation. Fantasmagorie, created in 1906 was a perfect example of that. The author used papers and pens to make a animation by swapping out papers each frame.
As the first animation was created, several other people took the dive of the animation world. This such allowed people to create high quality movie animations that will satisfy millions of people to eventually growing into children animaton
it didn't have to be this way? Animating by using paper could be very tiring. In fact you would have to literally create dozens of pages and what if those pages get lost? Literally part of your animation would be gone and you would be forced to draw it again. Plus if you need to record audio you would have to do it live.
The solution?What if I want to animate using an program but what I'm using has like 500 buttons like Blender. That software program has like 2000 buttons and I can't seem to know what they do.
We have plenty of other apps that have the power of animations and some are unique. Check these out!